Thursday, November 20, 2014

Welcome to the Fashion Funeral

Hello! I'm Melanie.

Welcome to The Fashion Funeral.

This blog will be very fashion oriented, and it will show a lot about myself! Everything ranging from DIY tutorials and walk throughs, styling videos, favorite trends, reviews, unboxings, advice columns, and any other kind of antics I get into in my daily life!

But first, here's a bit about me (:

My name is Melanie, I'm 19 years old, currently living in North Carolina, but hopefully not for long! I've been dipping my toes in blogging for a few years now. But there's always been something stopping me from doing so. For a while, I didn't have a laptop, or a camera. Then I had a laptop, then no camera. Then I had a camera, and no laptop. It seriously seemed like everything was just against me for whatever reason! EVENTUALLY, something just fell into place, and here I am, equipped with both of those things, and this is where I am now! I've attempted to do blogs with other people, and have a duo kind of vibe, but shortly into doing that, I decided it wasn't a good idea.... So I'm here on my own, nose diving into this blog for you guys! 

My passions are fashion, big shoes, winged liner, black clothes, sharp nails, and leather. I'm inspired by everything I make contact with! My biggest fashion inspirations would definitely have to be 90's fashion, men's street-wear, American Horror Story: Coven, and anything to do with Tim Burton. I flip between black and red hair, so expect that! I work with a couple dope clothing companies that I shoot for pretty regularly! One being Vile Company, and the other being Demode Clothing NYC! You'll see my posts about them often I'd say!

In my spare time, I work as a Part-Time Sales Advisor at H&M! I do my best to surround myself with fashion all the time. Very soon I will be beginning my training to go into the position that I've been wanting since I got the job, as a Visual Merchandiser! I love my job a lot, even when it gets hectic, and holiday season comes around, and I feel like pulling my hair out! So, once I get on the ball with my Visual Merchandising pre-training, I'll be posting plenty of photos of what I've done, and how I'm doing with all of that! Hopefully soon, I'll be able to erase all of this paragraph, and just be able to proudly say "I'm a Visual Merchandiser at H&M"!

In short, I aim to inspire whoever is reading this blog to be who they are, dress how they want, love who they want to love, and live life happily and unapologetically!

If there's something you'd like to see specifically on my blog, just let me know! You can contact me on any of my social medias, and drop a suggestion whenever! I always get back to any kind of message, so don't be shy! ♡ All of my link are in my sidebar! 

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